Oregon man wins Great American Think-Off
NEW YORK MILLS, MINN. -- An Oregon man is the winner of this year's Great American Think-Off, a national philosophy competition that gives ordinary people the chance to debate some of life's perplexing questions.
This year's question: "Does immigration strengthen or threaten the United States?"
Craig Allen, of West Linn, Ore., won a gold medal Saturday after a live audience in New York Mills decided he was most convincing when arguing that the system of immigration and immigration policy is broken. He says it encourages an influx of illegal immigrants and poses a threat to the country.
During the debate, the four Think-Off finalists touched on what it means to be an American and stressed that American identity is evolving.
The debate is held by the New York Mills Regional Cultural Center, a nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding the cultural and creative opportunities of rural Americans. New York Mills is a farming town of some 1,200 people in central Minnesota, about 170 miles northwest of Minneapolis.
The silver medal winner was Deana Cavaliere from Richfield, Minn., who argued that immigrants of diverse cultures have created a mix of ideas that makes America an innovative and wealthy country.
The other two finalists received bronze medals. Tom Bailey of Nashville, Tenn., argued that immigration strengthens the U.S., and Nick Thayer of St. Cloud, Minn., argued that it threatens the country.
I went to graduate school at the University of New Hampshire - the second whitest state in the Union! I am apt to tell friends that I didn't truly realize I was "marginal/other" until I moved there. My time there was crazy and boring, filled with interesting experiences, both positive and negative. I experienced racism and a warm open curiosity. One thing is for sure during my time there: I was always looking forward to getting the hell on outta there and back into some city, any city, ASAP! It crossed my mind a few times that NH really needs some browning up (a little queer spice thrown in for good measure wouldn't hurt either, though that community was better represented than Latinos) and maybe I should consider staying. That thought lasted for maybe 1/2 a second. I felt there was nothing there for me; people didn't get me. Okay I'll just say it: It was too white! I need to be where brown people are! I admit it! I need to live in a place where a black midget tranny can walk freely with nary the second glance. This reason is why I am proud to call San Francisco and Brooklyn my homes.
All that said, you may be wondering, "Why the title? Why the urge to my diverse ilk to part ways with the concrete jungle and head on out to Bend, head on out to NH, head on out to New York Mills Minnesota? Because we need to reach our diverse tentacles out into the country...it brings a smile to my face when I hear that immigrants are making communities in smaller US cities (keep it going, keep moving to the center...). I admire those who can make the leap, those who spread their multiculti seeds far and wide. I am aware that a browning does not necessarily directly correspond to a more open diverse community (CA Republican Latino majority case in point?), but, politics aside, it does foster acceptance. I would imagine that most college towns, like UNH, can be diverse lil microcosms, drowning in a sea of blah.
I'm not sure I've made a convincing argument on why you should move to the sticks, but if you have the courage and inclination, DO IT! (Lord knows I won't!)
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