Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Pedantry, noun, plural-ries
1. the character, qualities, practices, etc., of a pedant, esp. undue display of learning.
2. slavish attention to rules, details, etc.
3. an instance of being pedantic: i.e., the pedantries of modern criticism.

I HATE pedantry and pedants. Yes, I am thinking of someone particular...some pretentious pedant. I am angry and no one is reading this blog, so I do what I want. I say what I want. I asked this pedant to write me a letter of recommendation, NOT a letter of criticism--WTF? Even as this pedant tries to write a glowing recommendation, he can not help but insert his ultra critical, pedantic beady eyes!

So, here's a bit of advice: When seeking help, don't seek a pedant. Their "slavish attention to rules, details, etc." will only work in your disfavor because their absolute adherence to what they feel is 100% true may result in less than stellar help. They are more interested in sticking to what they believe is absolutely true, maybe to your detriment. Uck...I am just disgusted by these kinds of people. I will never seek help from him again, Petar the Pedant. Quel con!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Because the Wrong is Right

I like wrong things. When told to do one thing, I want to do the opposite. My rebellious nature is quelled by a gut-twisting desire to have things be, well, easy. It's hard doing wrong all the time. For one, I'd be broke because I know it's right to go to work, but I hate work.

Actually, let me rephrase: I hate 9 to 5 cubicle living. Human beings were not meant to sit in boxes for 8 hours, becoming pale and lifeless from lack of sunlight and a damaged natural biorhythm, scarfing food down at a desk in between often redundant meetings and yawn-inducing emails.

Yes. I am an angry bitch in the box, but I have armed myself with shovel and, slowly but surely am working my way out of this anathema.


John Waters rules!

He is the King of Wrong. My hero. He is a truly gifted media whore, adept at stretching his 15 minutes into a lifetime of ch-a-ching-ch-ching! My fave movie of his is Pecker, though I do enjoy his older stuff too, especially Desparate Living: what's not to like about the following plot (it's getting late and I've no time for too fancy blog manuvering) from IMBD: A rich housewife enlists her maid's help to murder her husband; they go on the lam and end up in Mortville, a homeless community built into a garbage dump. Characters include Muffy St. Jacques, Queen Carlotta, and Princess Coo Coo. Loves it! Not for the faint of heart or faint of stomach and high brow types, well, if you are even reading this than you probably aren't all that highbrow...Learn more about John here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Waters_(filmmaker)

Here's another one of my heroes:

Ah, Sinead Sinead...I've yet to meet a man with bigger balls than thee. She battles the hypocrisy of Catholicism and looks great doing it. I have such a crush on her. Her music is soulful and, well, yes she makes the "wrong" very right. Who knew one could rock a buzz cut? Sinead O'Connor, I raise my glass to you beeyotch!

I don't know if I've lured any bloggers into my sphere, but better things to come my pretties. Not sure I have much time for this, but I will try. In the meantime, listen to some music. My taste is eclectic so there should be something here for everyone. Happy Lewd Listening!


oblah de oblah da life goes on...