She comes in different varieties, all the same shape.
Okay so this one is a piece by Andras Kallai. "Fat Barbie." 2006
(I admit maybe Barbie doesn't teach little girls an exactly healthy version of what it means to be a beautiful woman, but my loyalty to Barbie runs deep. Like programmed from birth Catholic-guilt kind of deep. Yeah.)
So back to worshipping Barbie. I used to collect them, but moving around necessited the selling of said dolls. I remember my favorties were Puerto Rican (of course), Chilean, and French CanCan (from like the '80s!)...the following claims to be the first Barbie commercial - Oh boy! "Barbie I want to be you"...
Mod Francie, loves it!
Now I'm just on a roll. Figured I should show something that better represents what I was infiltrated (assimilated?) with...1980s Barbie (the selling of product to children in the '80s was fucking insane!)
Anyway, here's the PR Barbie, miss you girl (as I shed a tear haha...)
One thing I hope the vids have made clear...Dressing Barbie is F-U-N!!! Alright, I admit I used to make Barbie pornos alright. My sisters and I we are all guilty. I'd probably post them if I had them digitally. They are classic.
I was also fond of giving Barbie extreme makeovers (crazy haircuts, tattoos, piercings, amputations, whatever)
And of course you gotta love Redneck Barbie...
And I hope to take a cue from this Barbie in the next five years or so...
When I'm ready to give up this kind of lifestyle maybe
Damn I can go on forever, but even Barbie has to go to work. Peace.
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