Monday, June 4, 2007


Enough of this wishy washy shit, I am going to list for once and for all the pros and cons of San Francisco versus Brooklyn. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY with a smattering of New Hampshire and Paris living under my belt, a San Francisco resident for two years and going: OF COURSE this will be biased!

SF: beautiful landscapes abound, lots of opportunities to get outside and enjoy nature, great weather, relaxed vibe (I can't vouch for this outside of the Bay Area), medical marijuana (word), delicious fresh seafood and vegetables, okay so the streets are perhaps a wee cleaner than Brooklyn, but there are so many homeless people, so...hmmm, tough one

BKYLN: within driving and easy flying distance to a great number of cool places, seasons, stronger sense of early American history, Mama Mia a Brooklyn Pizza pie!, dude NYC is the shit, I am sorry it just is. (Hot dogs or complete Spaghetti Dinner at 4am anyone?) FAMILY!!!

SF: California is huge!, so pretty much when you live in Cali, you are in Cali, earthquakes, shitty drivers passive aggressive who may very well fuck you up should Road Rage come on (also SF is the first city I've lived in where I've thought "I may get hit by a car," locals call it the "California Stop" (okay), there's a beach but you can't swim in the water! (of course this is for SF only), oy vey where are the bagels? (and the Jews), expensive

BKLYN: shitty weather, crowded feeling, shitty aggressive drivers, East Coast cops suck! They will fuck with you just to fill a quota., expensive, dirty ass streets

This list is by no means complete. Next up: Durham NH versus Paris France--the duel to end all duels bitches!

Random ass photo I found in My Pictures folder. I have been informed by the guilty party that this is Alison Stokke, Pole Vault Champ, 18

She's bendy.

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