Friday, June 22, 2007

Getting my Queer On

Yay! This weekend is Gay Pride Weekend! Yipee! Zoweee! Yay! I am very excited to express my gayness to the world. For the most part, I live the heterosexual life. I am in a committed hetero relationship, but don't let that fool you, no siree!

I'm coming out. I want to world to know, got to let it show...Much as I abhor labels, I am what you would call bisexual. Here is the bi pride flag

The symbolism of the flag is as follows: The pink color represents sexual attraction to the same sex only (gay and lesbian), the blue represents sexual attraction to the opposite sex only (straight) and the resultant overlap color purple represents sexual attraction to both sexes (bi). The key to understanding the symbolism in the Bi Pride Flag is to know that the purple pixels of color blend unnoticeably into both the pink and blue, just as in the 'real world' where most bi people blend unnoticeably into both the gay/lesbian and straight communities.

Yes and in the real world, I think oftentimes it goes a little something like this:
Hated by dykes, drooled over by lecherous hetero men, and ignored by gay men, it's a hard thing being bisexual. Too queer for the straight, too straight for the queer, it's a lose-lose situation. In a committed relationship? There is always the underlying, unspoken fear that the bi one in the relationship will run off seeking thrills of the opposite sex of the person with whom the bi is in a committed relationship's all part of the sad image of bisexuals simply being confused and sex-crazed. O la la, le pauvre!

For the record, I am NOT a lecherous sex crazed manic and wouldn't dream of being unfaithful to the love of my life, my sweet sweet guy. I simply love people and have the capacity in my heart to fully love and be committed to either sex. I love the gray areas of life and am saddened by our black/white, straight/gay culture. The gray areas of life are what make life so pleasurable. Open your hearts to the beauties of the gay and you'll find a rainbow (holy shit, I can't believe I actually wrote something so corny, but hey I am a corny gal!).

Anyway, wherever you are and whoever you are, have a jolly ole gay weekend and remember, no matter WHAT your orientation, please support the cause. Only when LGBT issues are given more clout, exposure and support can we swim in the sea of the gray areas. Even if you are very comfortable in your black or white, support those who revel in the gay...I mean, Gray!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

When stupid people procreate

My sister sent me this pic and at first, I was like, "Okay, two people on a bike," but then upon closer inspection....dear God!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Kenny G loves Don Cheadle

I think this photo is freaking great and so I want to share...enjoy!

Gross shit? Yes!

The weather is glorious today in San Francisco, as is my custom on such days, I head off to the grassy area a few blocks from my work. It's a nice patch of grass on the Embarcadero, facing the Bay (yawn...I'm getting there, I'm getting there...)

As I seek out a nice spot to sit, enjoy my lunch and get some knitting done, my eyes are assaulted: a man, curled in semi-fetal position, clad only in some shit-stained tighty-whitties. Doth my eyes deceive me? I look again, even though it hurts.

Nope. This fool IS sleeping on the grass wearing nothing but some offensive dodo stained drawers. Hmmmm, what to do? I mean, this IS San Francisco, I can't say I was surprised, but how to place myself in a sweet spot and yet out of the field of vision of his gray and brown man panties? Fortunately for me, there was a great spot a few feet ahead of Sleeping Beauty. Of course, knowing that there was something so very wrong behind me, I couldn't help a couple of glances behind. Ugh (shiver)

This kind of thing happens to me ALL THE TIME. When I was in Junior High School, I was walking to my friend's house and came across a man walking in sweat pants. He was looking straight ahead (he appeared to be in a catatonic state) and had a perfectly round hole cut out of his crotch area. He was wearing no underwear and had a hard-on. That's the first time I saw a real penis. Damn that was gross, why man? Why?!! Right around this time, give or take a couple years, I also came across a man jerking off right outside his window--in plain glorious view. I was young and scared, so I told my Dad.

He got his gun and went out looking for the guy, but alas he came and went.

I won't even go into the times I've seen men masterbating on the subway. You get the idea....

I am privvy to this wrongness: my eyes want to know everything in this world, even the disgusting. Like why am I always the one, in a group of people, to spot exposed ass crack? Note the person peeing or shitting in the bush over there? Or catch the person pick their nose and then smell it or worse, take a taste? I suppose this kind of thing happens to everyone, but I often find myself saying, "Ill, did you see that?" "No."

All this thinking has given me that unclean feeling. See ya later, gotta go douche!

Monday, June 4, 2007


Enough of this wishy washy shit, I am going to list for once and for all the pros and cons of San Francisco versus Brooklyn. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY with a smattering of New Hampshire and Paris living under my belt, a San Francisco resident for two years and going: OF COURSE this will be biased!

SF: beautiful landscapes abound, lots of opportunities to get outside and enjoy nature, great weather, relaxed vibe (I can't vouch for this outside of the Bay Area), medical marijuana (word), delicious fresh seafood and vegetables, okay so the streets are perhaps a wee cleaner than Brooklyn, but there are so many homeless people, so...hmmm, tough one

BKYLN: within driving and easy flying distance to a great number of cool places, seasons, stronger sense of early American history, Mama Mia a Brooklyn Pizza pie!, dude NYC is the shit, I am sorry it just is. (Hot dogs or complete Spaghetti Dinner at 4am anyone?) FAMILY!!!

SF: California is huge!, so pretty much when you live in Cali, you are in Cali, earthquakes, shitty drivers passive aggressive who may very well fuck you up should Road Rage come on (also SF is the first city I've lived in where I've thought "I may get hit by a car," locals call it the "California Stop" (okay), there's a beach but you can't swim in the water! (of course this is for SF only), oy vey where are the bagels? (and the Jews), expensive

BKLYN: shitty weather, crowded feeling, shitty aggressive drivers, East Coast cops suck! They will fuck with you just to fill a quota., expensive, dirty ass streets

This list is by no means complete. Next up: Durham NH versus Paris France--the duel to end all duels bitches!

Random ass photo I found in My Pictures folder. I have been informed by the guilty party that this is Alison Stokke, Pole Vault Champ, 18

She's bendy.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

So fucking emo

If I could figure out how to get songs onto my blog, well this page would be playing New Order, The Radio Dept., The Magnetic Fields, or any vase variety of emo bands. I am currently OBSESSED with the Marie Antoinette Soundtrack. The movie is the best visual and evocative representation of youth and opulence and the music....uh, sweet Jesus the MUSIC!!! Here, see the list of tracks:

You can find art everywhere. I love the numerous forms it takes. Life is art. All of these things are art:

Black and White

Okay, okay the list goes on...I would like to have a hand in each and every one! I am doing my best to live a life of art, but not in a pompous way, no: In a visceral and karmic way. In both my creations and my interaction with living creatures and the elements, I strive for a life rich, drenched in the beauties of art.

I want to live a beautiful life. Life is beautiful. It creates, gives and takes: it remains constant (you think...) while you make your way, somehow, through the things that "trap" you, your mind, your wants, your traumas.

I am often caught in my trappings of childhood. I beat myself up because I feel I am an adult and should be able to "get on with it" as those with balanced, well-rounded lives (often the result of happy childhoods) are apt to say. I am not jealous of these people in any way, on the contrary, I like to have a nice mix of both crazy people and sane, well-rounded people around me. It keeps life interesting and gives you perspective....

I can't STOP thinking about this awesome exhibit I saw last night!!! Vivienne Westwood: 36 Years of Fashion! Uh, mon Dieu! C'etait absolumente magnifique!!! Putain! I want to be a fabulous fashion designer! I want to rip up, sew, ruche, drape, knit, crochet my way to heaven!!! I get so fucking inspired by art, I can hardly stand it! Thing is, as I referenced earlier, I


Woo Hoo! Yay! Yippee! Art is great! Woo Hoo, I want to be fabulous! I want to make stuff!!! I don't want to buy my clothes--I want to make them. Fashion is fabulous. Regular clothes are boring! I want to expand my sense of shape and form. I want to make some crazy funky shit. I want to learn the trade...let's see if this lasts, let's see if I pursue this budding dream!!! Yeah, YOU CAN DO IT!

Here some cool Vivienne Westwood pics/clothes:

Here's her famous Bondage Suit, worn by Johnny Rotten of The Sex Pistols back in the '70s:

Here's the artiste herself with her young man slice--you go girl!

Here's a beautiful jacket and skirt from 1993:

Alexander McQueen (another great designer) stuff on the left, classic Vivienne Westwood on the right:

Friday, June 1, 2007

Fish Oil!

Ah sweet little golden pills o' bliss! Bring your fish funk down my trunk. I imagine the capsule bursting open inside and spreading good, gooey fish goodness all through my guts. This little pill packs a wallop, let me tell you!

Fish Oil is derived from the tissues of oily fish, such as salmon, albacore tuna, mackerel, herring, sardines, etc. It has many beneficial properties including reducing inflammation throughout the body, helps regulate cholestrol, it is good for the brain too! It helps alleviate depression (yipee! I feel like a kid sliding down a greasy Splish 'n Splash!) and promotes neuronal growth of the frontal cortes, the seat of personal behavior. Here is the Wikipedia entry, where I expanded my knowledge of this golden oval:

Let me tell you something too: Ever since I started taking them, about a month ago, my skin has seemed so smooth and radiant and my hair soft and shiny. Oil is good for you! Oh and for those worried about oil = fat. I have not noticed any weight gain, if anything I feel more Jane Fonda-ey, wanting to work out and energized to fight the power!

So, go, now...RUN don't walk to your nearest Fish Oil Provider and get yourself a little piece of sunshine!