I am sharting around trying to find a really good "about me" survey for my MySpace page.
I am 29 years old.

Eh, what can I say???? I was looking for a witty way to let people know all "about me!" I write for a living. Shouldn't I be able to tell people about myself, in a way I see fit? Hmmmm...
I like colors, but not on me. I am human, before anything else. I breathe. I think a lot. I don't like violence. I don't like to feel trapped, contained, or otherwise owned. I like peace and love and realness.

I like freshness, but I also take pleasure in funk. I hate beets! I remember drinking coca cola outta a baby bottle. I don't like the color yellow.

I love crude humor and other low rent shit. I like pop culture, low culture, and high culture. I like tea time. Yoga makes me feel GREAT! I don't think I'm racist...but I can be cruel. I am essentially very loving, especially towards family and friends.
I'm a Capricorn, in many different houses, so I am like super Capricorn deluxe!

I am Puerto Rican and proud. Puerto Ricans are the ONLY people with a culture, but no nation...chew on that one...and read Jorge Duany's "The Puerto Rican Nation on the Move" for more on that...

I like androgyny and my sexual history reflects that. I HATE the word bisexual....I see myself as more "lover of humans"...that sounds SO hippy dippy, so be it, it's the 40th Anniversary of Summer of Love bitches! (dork)

Okay, bye!
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