I am listening to her sing "Ave Maria," so very lovely.
I spent the morning downloading some tunes. Here's what I'm digging this morn':
Johnny Cash (I didn't download anything new, but I'm feeling very Johnny Cash-ish myself these days.
I'm still having after-glow from Obama's DNC speech. Did you catch Stevie Wonder on before? It was great! I downloaded a bunch of Stevie like "Superstition," "Overjoyed," "Part Time Lover," and "She's a Bad Mamma Jamma," among others. Man, I am SO EXCITED FOR OBAMA TO BE PRESIDENT ALREADY!!!! He HAS to win. McCain was trying to steal some of Obama's fire this week by announcing Sarah Palin as his running mate. Whatever. Fuck Sarah Palin. I am staunchly pro-choice and I hate how it's actually a boon to conserative rw christians that she carried a child w/ Down's Syndrome to term after a amniocentisis...
She is kinda cute though. See www.fish-scale.blogspot.com
Anyway, Stevie rules! Obama rules!

Let me find out Stevie was kinda a papi chuelo back in the day...
Anyway, what started the dowloading frenzy of the day was a desire to her "Last Dance" by Tom Petty.
It's a great song, along with "Roll Another Joint," "Refugee," and "Zombie Zoo." Tom Petty, I no want to petty.
Enjoy your holiday all!